I read an
article today – someone sent me a link to it, knowing it would be of interest
in my line of work. At first glance, you may be wondering where the walking
connection is – but bear with me, and all will be revealed.
In it was
described a council that have outsourced or intend to outsource so many of
their services – not just the usual suspects such as parking, highways and so
forth, but planning, regeneration, HR, IT, procurement, finance, legal
services, trading standards, council housing, environmental health, rubbish
collection, libraries,
care of the vulnerable
and the disabled, and even, would you believe it, cemeteries and
crematoriums – that in the space of just a couple of years, the council will
have shrunk from just over 3,000 staff to just over 300.
To save
their embarrassment, I won’t name them.
to the article, there appears to be three main concerns about a state of
affairs such as this. Firstly, all of these services are being farmed out to a
very limited number of massive, privately-owned infrastructure and business
services companies that have little knowledge of local issues and concerns,
whose contracts are such that the details are often shrouded by “commercial
sensitivity” and who can, in a worst-case scenario, go bust. Where would that
leave us?
Secondly, these
contracts are typically let over lengthy timespans, often as much as 10 years
at a time, so the entire democratic process is lost to the local community –
whoever you vote for, you get the contracted infrastructure company, like it or
and perhaps most importantly, local expertise is lost. At the end of these
lengthy contracts there will be so little experience, expertise and
infrastructure remaining locally within councils that it would be almost
impossible to return to the “old” way even if they wanted to.
These deals are usually
touted as a route to saving money, although it seems that is not always the
case. In one example, a deal was meant to deliver £70m savings and 100 new
jobs: when neither benefit actually materialised, the contract was transferred
back to the council.
So how
does this affect walking, I hear you ask?
Well, the
obvious answer is that local authorities are responsible, through Rights of Way
departments, for the upkeep and maintenance of the all the footpaths,
bridleways, by-ways and so forth. But with low priority, reduced budgets and
outsourced responsibility, how will upkeep and maintenance of the network be
enacted and policed?
providers are only in it to make money, and I suspect there is little money to be
had from contracts like this because we all know that RoW team budgets are
miniscule in relative terms, and that a good footpath network runs on the
goodwill of many people – landowners and managers, local volunteers, Ramblers’
groups, and the like. Will those volunteers still feel as altruistic if they
are ultimately helping to line the pockets of big business and greedy
other aspect – the one that is perhaps most immediately concerning here on
Ambles & Rambles – is that my own local authority, Northamptonshire, is set
to adopt an “alternative delivery model” like this and follow in the footsteps
of the council mentioned above, declaring just last month
that it intended to outsource 95% of its work and go down to a skeleton staff.
Quite how this will
manifest itself in the future, no one yet knows. It’s one thing to ask local
residents to keep an eye out for any maintenance issues, to help fix a stile or
put up a new waymarker, but another altogether to expect them to fight legal
battles over illegal closures, maintain (or even improve by 2026, the cut-off
date for re-inclusion of remembered but lost pre-1949 routes into the network
and set out in the CroW Act 2000) the definitive map, or negotiate new access
rights with landowners.
Because, in the
end, it all comes down to money. It’s the reason that outsourcing is being
proposed, and it’s why contractors will take it on. If they can’t make any
money out of it, they won’t do it, and I’m sure they will be inclined to
minimise outlay in order to maximise profit margins and keep shareholders happy.
Unless the contracts are absolutely
correctly specified then the contractors will work any loopholes they can
find – they have whole departments given over to just that sort of
fine-tooth-combery – and exploit them to the full if they can.
And by the time
the contracts are re-let, there could be a lot of damage done.